These are the most common English proverbs in Hindi with simple meanings. A proverb is a short, memorable phrase that expresses a truth or gives a piece of advice. This is a concise and memorable way of expressing a common experience or idea.
These are common proverbs used in daily conversation. Proverbs can be found in many cultures and languages, and they are often passed down through generations.
Furthermore, proverbs can add flavour and flair to a language and can be used to convey a message clearly and effectively. This is a list of commonly used English proverbs with Hindi meanings. In addition to being useful for English communication, it will improve your language skills.
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Common English Proverbs in Hindi with Meaning
Proverbs can serve as a source of wisdom, guidance, and cultural insight, and they can be used in a variety of contexts to communicate ideas and emotions effectively. Enjoy the Top 106 most popular English proverbs in Hindi explained in simple language.
Proverbs | Hindi Meaning |
A blind man is no judge of colours. | अँधा क्या जाने बसंत की बहार । |
A bad workman quarrels with his tools. | नाच ना जाने आँगन टेड़ा । |
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. | नौ नगद न तेरह उधार । |
A burnt child dreads the fire. | दूध का जला छांछ भी फुंक फूंक कर पीता है । |
A closed mouth catches no flies. | बिना रोए माँ भी दूध नहीं देती । |
A drowning man will catch at a straw. | डूबते को तिनके का सहारा । |
A friend in need is a friend indeed. | मित्र वह जो बिपत्ति में काम आए । |
A figure among cyphers. | अंधों में काना राजा । |
A guilty conscience needs no accuser. | चोर की दाढ़ी में तिनका । |
A lie has no legs to stand. | झूठ के पावं कहाँ । |
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. | नीम हाकिम खतरा-ऐ-जान । |
A man is known by the company he keeps. | मनुष्य अपनी संगत से पहचाना जाता है । |
A nod for the wise, a rod for the fool. | लातो के भूत बातों से नहीं मानते । |
A stitch in time saves nine. | समय पर मरम्मत करना हानि से बचना है । |
A wolf in Lamb’s clothing. | बगल में छुरी मुंह में राम राम । |
All is well that ends well. | अंत भला सो भला । |
All that glitters is not gold. | हर चमकने वाली वस्तु सोना नहीं होती । |
An open door will attempt even a saint. | मुफ्त की शराब काज़ी को भी हलाल है । |
A rolling stone gathers no moss | धोभी का कुत्ता न घर का न घाट का । |
As you sow, so shall you reap? | जैसे बोओगे वैसे काटोगे । |
Barking dog seldom bite. | जो गरजते है बरसते नहीं । |
Beauty requires no ornament. | नहीं मुहताज जेवर का जिसे खूबी खुदा ने दी । |
Better alone than in bad company. | बुरी संगत से अकेला भला । |
Better late than never. | न होने से देर से काम होना अच्छा । |
Between two stools one falls to the ground. | दुबिधा में दोनों गए, माया मिली न राम । |
Birds of the same feather flock together. | चोर के साथी चोर । |
Blood is thicker than water. | अपना-अपना पराया-पराया । |
Charity begins at home. | दान पहले घर से शुरू होता है । |
Cleanliness is next to godliness. | स्वच्छता ईश्वरी गुण है । |
Cut your coat according to your cloth. | जितना चादर देखो उतने पावं पसारो । |
Death keeps no calendar. | मौत का कोई समय नहीं । |
Death’s day is the doom’s day. | आप मरे जग परलो । |
Diamond cuts diamond. | लोहा लोहे को काटता है । |
Do in Roman as the Romans do. | जैसा देश वैसा भेस । |
Do not putt off till tomorrow what you can do today. | आज का काम कल पे मत छोड़ो । |
East or west, home is the best. | जो सुख छज्जू दे चुबारे न बलख न बुखारे । |
Either a feast or a fast. | ईद या रोज़ा । |
Empty vessels make much noise. | थोथा चना बाजे घना । |
Every bird likes its own nest best. | अपना पूत सभी को प्यारा । |
Every dog has his day. | दस बर्ष बाद खंडहर की भी सुनी जाती है । |
Face is the index of mind. | चेहरा दिल का दर्पन है । |
Far from eye, far from the heart. (out of sight, out of mind) | आँख ओझल पहाड़ ओझल । |
From a bad paymaster get what you can. | भागते चोर की लंगोटी ही सही । |
God helps those who help themselves. | ईश्वर उनकी सहायता करता है जो अपनी सहायता आप करते है । |
Good swimmers at length are drowned. | आखिर तैराक भी डूबता है । |
Grapes are sour. | अंगूर खट्टे है । |
Greater boast, little roast. (Much cry little wool) | ऊँची दुकान फीका पकवान । |
Handsome is that handsome does. | अच्छे काम में ही सुंदरता है । |
He that doth lend doth lose his friends. | उधार प्रेम की कैंची है । |
Health is better than wealth. | स्वास्थ्य हज़ार नेमत है । |
Honesty is the best policy. | ईमानदारी सबसे अच्छी साख है । |
He who digs a pit for others falls himself into it. | दूसरों की लिए कुआँ खोदने वाला स्वयं उसमें गिरेगा । |
Hope sustains life. | दुनिया आशा पर निर्भर है । |
High winds blow on high hills. | बड़ों की बड़ी बात । |
I stout, thou stout, who shall bring the water out. | में भी रानी, तू भी रानी कौन भरे कुंए से पानी । |
Idleness is the rust of mind. | बेकार से बेगार अच्छी । |
It is no use crying over spilt milk. | अब पछताए होत क्या जब चिड़िया चुग गई खेत । |
It is not lost that comes at last. | सुबह का भुला हुआ शाम को घर आ जाए तो भूला हुआ नहीं कहलाता । |
It never rains but it pours. | ईश्वर जब देता है तो छप्पर फाड़ कर देता है । |
It takes two to make a quarrel. | एक हाथ से ताली नहीं बजती । |
Ill got, ill-spent. | शूम का धन शैतान खाता है । |
Jack of all trades, but master of none. | हरफन मौला । |
Let bygones be bygones. | बीती को भूल जाओ । |
Let us see which side the wind blows. | देखिये ऊंट किस करवट बैठता है । |
Look before you leap. | बोलने से पहले तोलो । |
Lo! A sinner goes on pilgrimage. | नौ सौ चूहे खा के बिल्ली हज को चली । |
Make hay while the sunshine. | बहती गंगा में हाथ धो लो । |
Man proposes God disposes. | मनुष्य बनाये ईश्वर ढाए । |
Many a little makes a mickle. | बूंद-बूंद कर घड़ा भरता है । |
Might is right. | जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस । |
Much ado about nothing. | खोदा पहाड़ निकला चूहा । |
Money makes the mare go. | दाम बनाए काम । |
Nearer the church, farther from God. | चिराग तले अँधेरा । |
Necessity is the mother of invention. | आवश्यकता अविष्कार की जननी है । |
Nip the evil in the bud. | बुराई को जड़ से उखेड़ो । |
One flower makes no garland. (One swallow does not make a summer) | एक फूल से माला नहीं बनती । |
Out of frying pan into the fire. | आकाश से गिरा खजूर में अटका । |
Penny wise pound foolish. | जाट गन्ना ना दे, गुड़ की भेली दे । |
Poverty breeds contempt. | गरीबी झगड़े की जड़ है । |
Practice makes a man perfect. | महारत मनुष्य को योग्य बनाती है । |
Pride will have a fall. | घमंडी का सिर नीचा । |
Prevention is better than cure. | इलाज से परहेज अच्छा है । |
Riches have wings. | लक्ष्मी चंचल होती है । |
Rome was not built in a day. | हथेली पर सरसों नहीं जमती । |
Self-praise is no recommendation. | अपने मुँह मिया मिट्ठू । |
Slow and steady wins the race. | सहज पके सो मीठा हो । |
Spare the rod and spoil the child. | बिना मारे बच्चा नहीं सुधरता । |
Still waters run deep. | भरी गगरिया चुप्पे जाए । |
Strike the iron while it is hot. | अवसर को कभी नहीं गवाएं । |
The wearer knows where the shoe pinches. | दुःखी ही दुःख जानता है । |
Tit for tat. | जैसे को तैसा । |
To kill two birds with one stone. | एक पंथ दो काज । |
The rotten apple injures its neighbour. (On fish makes the whole water muddy) | एक मछली सारे तालाब को गन्दा करती है । |
The voice of the people is the voice of God. | प्रजा की आवाज ईश्वर की आवाज़ समझो । |
Time once lost can never be recalled. | गया समय फिर नहीं आता । |
Time and tide wait for no man. | समय किसी का इन्तजार नहीं करता । |
To carry coals to New Castle. | उलटे बाँस बरेली को । |
To build castles in the air. | हवाई किले बनाना । |
To rob Peter, to pay Paul. | करे कोई भरे कोई । |
Truth fears no examination. | साँच को आँच नहीं । |
Two of a trade seldom agree. | कुत्ते का कुत्ता बैरी । |
Truth is always bitter. | सच्ची बात कड़वी होती है । |
Union is strength. | संगठन में शक्ति है । |
What cannot be cured must be endured. | कहरे दरवेश बर जाने दरवेश । |
When the cat is away, the mice will play. | घर वाले घर नहीं हमें किसी का डर नहीं । |
Where there is a will, there is a way. | जहाँ चाह, वहां राह । |
Summarize Proverbs
We often use proverbs to convey messages, but some of them are rooted in the history and values of societies. They can provide insight into the way people think and the lessons they have learned over time.
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