Essay on Scene of Election Booth in INDIA

Essay on Scene of Election Booth, describe how election polling booth works in India. It will give an idea about the election process flow.

Essay on Scene of Election Booth in India

Essay on Scene of Election Booth in India

Essay on Indian Election: How Election process in India works? The election is a system by which people of an independent and democratic country elect their representatives to run the administration of the country.

India is a democratic country. Elections are an integral and inseparable part of this system. Elections process are generally held in India every five years.

People elect their representatives for the parliament, the State Assemblies, the Panchayats and other civic bodies. The Election commission of India conducted the elections. Elections are also held for President-ship.

Elections generate great excitements among the masses. They create a short of hysteria. As soon as elections are announced, political parties put up their candidates.

Nomination papers are filled. Election fever grips both candidate and voters. People eagerly waiting for Election Day, canvassing starts about two or three weeks in advance.

Election meetings are held in all parts of the constituency. Processions are taken out. Battle of posters starts in earnest.

The candidates as well as their supporters and sympathizers deliver heartiest speeches. All types of false promises are made. Liquor is freely used to lure the voters.

Money, muscle, pressure and other tactics are used to win the voters. At last the Election Day comes, Canvassing stops.

No one can carry on propaganda near the polling station. The parties pitch their tents at some distance from the polling stations.

The candidates try to bring their supporters to the polling booths to cast their vote. No pains are spared.

There is a great rush of voters. They stand in long queues. There is great enthusiasm among them. The old and the blind, the sick and the invalids are brought by vehicles or in a rickshaw.

There are mothers with their babies in their arms. Almost people of every caste and creed turn out to cast their vote.

Inside the booth there are five to six officials one of them officiates them as a presiding officer whereas the others are the polling officers.

On one side, the polling agents of the different candidates are there to recognize the voters.

Each voter goes to the polling officer. After verifying their name in the voting list, they led to a room containing the ballot boxes. The polling compartment is completely screened.

No one can see the person casting his vote. There is a list of the respective party’s icons, one has to click on the button of your choice of the respective party whom you want to vote to, and leave the polling booth. This goes on till the last voter has cast his vote.


After the polling, the crowd of voters melts away, this is how the process of Indian Election comes to an end. The polling station presents a deserted look.

Now everybody looks forward to the results. People are eager to know which party or person is coming into power.

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J. Harshit specializes in content writing and storytelling. Writing compelling essays, Letters, & more that engage, inform, and inspire is something he enjoys.

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